Key Peninsula Middle School PTSA 10.11.80 was chartered on April, 15, 1999. This PTSA serves the children in the KPMS community which includes the residences and businesses in the KPMS enrollment area.
This PTSA welcomes membership from parents, staff, students, grandparents, guardians, and community members who share the desire to serve the children of the KPMS community. Annual membership dues of $10 per person provides membership to the KPMS PTSA, WA State PTA, and the National PTA. Paid members will be granted voting rights at meetings, permission to handle money for running the Student Store, and the ability to run for an elected position on the KPMS PTSA Executive Board.
To become a member of the PTSA of KPMS, please print & complete the Membership form below, and return to Key Peninsula Middle School with payment. Please allow 10 to 14 business days for administrative processing. We are volunteers and may not be at the school each week to collect forms. Once your membership has been processed, you will be granted higher access to this website.
If you would like to volunteer with the PTSA, please print & complete the Volunteer Clearance form below and return to Key Peninsula Middle School office staff. 
Thank you